Is it possible to have a search function that would allow passing optional parameters other than varchar (i.e. DateTime, decimal .. ) ?
I need to search rows that are in a date range. User should be able to search FROM a date only, or up TO a date, or even in a FROM-TO range.
My approach was to create a SEARCH method with Date parameters. Those are correctly converted to DateTime object in CFE, but I won't be able to pass null value.
I managed to create a SEARCH method with unchecked parts, but those parts won't get optionnal in the body of the function.
How can I get fromDate and toDate parameters to be set as optional ?
CFQL body is
SEARCH(string amount, string fromDate, string toDate, string otherEntityId, date date) WHERE [$Entity::Date$ >= CAST(@fromDate AS DATE)] AND [$Entity::Date$ <= CAST(@toDate AS DATE)] AND OtherEntity.OtherEntityId = @otherEntityId AND Amount = @amount and date = @date
Body procedure generated is as follow. Notice the unchecked parts that aren't optionals
CREATE PROCEDURE [Schema].[Entity_NameOfProcedure]
@amount [nvarchar] (256) = NULL,
@fromDate [nvarchar] (256) = NULL,
@toDate [nvarchar] (256) = NULL,
@OtherEntityId [nvarchar] (256) = NULL,
@date [date] = NULL,
@_orderBy0 [nvarchar] (64) = NULL,
@_orderByDirection0 [bit] = 0
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max), @paramlist nvarchar(max)
SELECT @sql=
'SELECT DISTINCT * /*on purpose for stackoverflow */
FROM [Schema].[Entity]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Schema].[OtherEntity] ON ([Schema].[Entity].[Entity_OtherEntity_OtherEntityId] = [Schema].[OtherEntity].[OtherEntity_OtherEntityId])
WHERE (([Entity].[Entity_Date] >= CAST(@fromDate AS DATE) AND ([Entity].[Entity_Date] <= CAST(@toDate AS DATE) AND ((1 = 1) AND ((1 = 1) AND (([Schema].[OtherEntity].[OtherEntity_NumberInt] LIKE ''6%'') AND (1 = 1)))))) AND (1 = 1))'
SELECT @paramlist = '@amount nvarchar (256),
@fromDate nvarchar (256),
@toDate nvarchar (256),
@otherEntityId nvarchar (256),
@date date,
@_orderBy0 nvarchar (64),
@_orderByDirection0 bit'
IF @amount IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (([Schema].[Entity].[Entity_amount] = @amount))'
IF @otherEntityId IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (([Schema].[OtherEntity].[OtherEntity_OtherEntityId] = @OtherEntityId))'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (([Schema].[Entity].[Entity_Date] = @date))'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist,
Thanks for your answer
You can create a SEARCH
method with optional date parameters:
SEARCH(date fromDate, date toDate)
WHERE CreationDate >= @fromDate AND CreationDate <= @toDate
This generate the following SQL:
SELECT @sql=
'SELECT DISTINCT [Employee_Id], [Employee_FirstName], [Employee_CreationDate]
FROM [Employee]
WHERE (1 = 1)'
SELECT @paramlist = '@fromDate datetime, @toDate datetime'
IF @fromDate IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (([Employee_CreationDate] >= @fromDate))'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (([Employee_CreationDate] <= @toDate))'
The fromDate
and toDate
parameters are not nullable in the generated BOM. However if you use the default value which by default is equal to CodeFluentPersistence.DefaultDateTimeValue
(More about default values), NULL
will be sent to the store procedure.
If you prefer DateTime?
just change the type of the parameter from date
to date?
SEARCH(date? fromDate, date? toDate)
WHERE CreationDate >= @fromDate AND CreationDate <= @toDate
Which generate the following C# method:
public static EmployeeCollection Search(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate)