I'm all new to angularjs/onsen in general. So i'm trying to actually select a contact form contact list and show the name in the textarea for the create a message page. I have this, but it is not working.
<div ng-controller="ContactsController" >
<ons-list class="person-list" >
<ons-list-header class="person-list-header" ng-init="people = contacts">{{char}}</ons-list-header>
<ons-list-item class="person" modifier="tappable" ng-click="contactsBack("{{person.username}}")" ng-repeat="person in contacts | filter:searchInput">
<ons-col width="40px">
<img src="images/profile-image-0{{i}}.png" class="person-image">
<ons-col class="person-name" >
message page
<ons-row align="center">
<ons-col width="290px">
<div class="left">
<input type="text" id ="contactName" class="text-input text-input--transparent" placeholder="Name" style="width: 100%">
$scope.contactsBack = function(name) {
$scope.document.getElementById("contactName").value = name;
I have included the function under 'ContactsController'
In your mesaage page define field like this one.
Define your contactName
using ng-model.You don't need ID attribute or javascript method for this
And JS:
$scope.contactsBack = function(name) {
$scope.contactName = name;
Angular uses two-way data binding using which your field in message page is get populated with contact list.
EDIT 1 : remove double quote ng-click="contactsBack({{person.username}})"