Suppose that I have a method
public void SomeFunction (int a)
return AnotherFunction (a + 1);
Is there a way to shim AnotherFunction with specific parameters? I am thinking of something like:
using (ShimContext.Create())
ShimMyClass.AnotherFunctionInt = (3) => 34; // return 34 if the given value is 3
ShimMyClass.AnotherFunctionInt = (4) => 44; // return 44 if the given value is 4
ShimMyClass.AnotherFunctionInt = (a) => 22; // default value
Just add code to your override instead of returning a hardcoded value. Something like
public void SimpleTest()
TestUnitTestClass tutClass = new TestUnitTestClass();
using (ShimsContext.Create())
ShimTestUnitTestClass shimClass = new ShimTestUnitTestClass(tutClass);
shimClass.AnotherFunctionInt32 = (val) =>
if (val == 3)
return 34;
if (val == 4)
return 44;
return 22;
int curInt = tutClass.AnotherFunction(3);