I have a directive that saves in a model in the Controller. It is a "text-button" (as per requirements) which is just a read-only textbox. There are three text-buttons per "Line" and 13 "Lines".
I need to pull up a selection modal and load some data in depending on what was clicked, so that a new selection can be made.
Although the model on the controller is changed, I don't know what was changed by the time the selection modal pops up.
$scope.Lines = {
"eg1": { one: '', two: '', three: '' },
"eg2": { one: '', two: '', three: '' },
"eg3": { one: '', two: '', three: '' },
"eg4": { one: '', two: '', three: '' },
... 9 more ...
.directive('textButton', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function ($scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
elm.on('click', function () {
$scope.popModal(this); //<--I want the ng-model here!
template: '<input type="text" readonly="readonly" class="form-control" />'
<li> <text-button ng-model="Lines.eg1.one"></text-button> </li>
<li> <text-button ng-model="Lines.eg1.two"></text-button> </li>
<li> <text-button ng-model="Lines.eg1.three"></text-button> </li>
<li> <text-button ng-model="Lines.eg2.one"></text-button> </li>
<li> <text-button ng-model="Lines.eg2.two"></text-button> </li>
<li> <text-button ng-model="Lines.eg2.three"></text-button> </li>
... 11 more ...
I've looked at $watch and $scope.watch, but nothing seems to be able to tell me what in a particular model has changed.
In the end, you need to isolate the scope of your directive so you have a chance to get to the ngModel
of each line:
scope: {
ngModel: '@',
popModal: '='
then you can use it in your callback:
elm.on('click', function () {
$scope.popModal($scope.ngModel); //<--you get the ng-model here!
However, this means you also lose access to popModal()
which I guess is defined in the controller scope. To fix this, you need to hand it in as a second parameter (I named it pop-modal
<text-button ng-model="Lines.eg1.one" pop-modal="popModal"></text-button>
Tying it all together, here's a JSBin using Angular 1.2 (although you really should get away from that).