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Crop an image with a very big border radius

Today I got a layout from a designer for a website.

On the background is a pattern over the whole body. The header image is curved croped on the right side.

Here is a screenshot:

enter image description here

I can't build that kind of radius with border-radius in CSS. A PNG mask isn't an option, because the pattern must match.

Knows someone a special trick, to build that kind of border-radius in CSS?


  • a wrapper, position, radius and shadow can do something really close :

    for more info about border-radius:

    div {
      box-shadow:inset 0 0 10px white, inset 0 0 15px gray;
      display:table;/* or inline-block/inline-table */
      overflow:hidden;/* clip content */
      border-radius:0  20% 20% 0 /80%;/* cut off basic border-radius */
      position:relative;/* bring at front so img doesn't fade behind body */
    img {
      display:block;/* gap underneath .. or vertical-align:top/bottom */
      z-index:-1;/* let inset shadow of parent lay over it */
    body {
      <img src=""/>