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Minimum variance portfolio under participation constraint in R cran

I would like to find the minimum variance portfolio for 3 risky assets where the sum of the weights of all assets = 2 and weight of asset1 is set at +1 (i.e the problem would be to minimise the portfolio vol by adjusting only the weights for asset asset 2 and 3 subject to them not being more than 1 and >=0. I have found the below snippet of code that minimise the risk for a 3 asset portfolio, but I am unsure about how to incorporate the weight constraints. Any help / suggestions are welcome.

 covmat <- matrix(c(3.235343e-02, -3.378191e-03, -1.544574e-05,
                  -3.378191e-03,  8.769166e-03,  1.951734e-06,
                  -1.544574e-05,  1.951734e-06,  2.186799e-06),3,3)

    mat <- rbind(cbind(2*covmat,rep(1, 3)), c(rep(1, 3), 0))
    vec <-  c(rep(0, 3),1)
    smat <-  solve(mat)%*%vec

Thank you,


  • R has a QP (quadratic programming) solver that is designed for these type of problems:

    covmat <- matrix(c(3.235343e-02, -3.378191e-03, -1.544574e-05,
                       -3.378191e-03,  8.769166e-03,  1.951734e-06,
                       -1.544574e-05,  1.951734e-06,  2.186799e-06),3,3)
    # linear constraint matrix
    A <- rbind(c(1,1,1),diag(3))
    # rhs
    b <- c(2,1,0,0)
    # solve QP model


    [1] 1.0000000 0.3835757 0.6164243