When the user clicks on the view header multiple times the expected behaviour is: days -> months -> years -> decades. I need to disable the decades view (screenshot attached). Doing so the user cannot go further 'year' view mode.
here is a workaround, thanks to RomeroMsk for this.
.datepicker-years .picker-switch {
cursor: default !important;
background: inherit !important;
// your datetimepicker options go here, f.i.:
inline: true,
sideBySide: false,
format : "DD/MMM/YYYY",
maxDate : moment()
}).on('dp.show dp.update', function () {
$(".datepicker-years .picker-switch").removeAttr('title')
//.css('cursor', 'default') <-- this is not needed if the CSS above is used
//.css('background', 'inherit') <-- this is not needed if the CSS above is used
.on('click', function (e) {