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What is the proper way to call proxied method inside concrete class?

For instance I have IRepository, Implemented by Repository with some Interceptors.

Inside the Interceptor I see that IRepositoryProxy basetype is Object and Not the Repository.

For example: I resolve IRepository and call GetFunctionalityPurposes, what I want is the call to GetAllFunctionalityPurposes to be also cached/proxied.

This does not work since the methods are invoked in Repository but not IRepositoryProxy.


FunctionalityPurpose[] GetFunctionalityPurposes();
FunctionalityPurpose[] GetAllFunctionalityPurposes()


public virtual FunctionalityPurpose[] GetFunctionalityPurposes()
    var model = GetAllFunctionalityPurposes()
        .Where(r => !r.IsHidden && !r.GroupId.HasValue);

    return model;

[Cached("Tender", "FunctionalityPurpose")]
public virtual FunctionalityPurpose[] GetAllFunctionalityPurposes()
    var model = UnitOfWork.GetSet<Model>().Select(f => f.FunctionalityPurpose)
        .Distinct().OrderBy(r => r.Id).ToArray();

    return model;


  • I've looked into and I've done the registration the easy way: container.Register(Classes.FromThisAssembly().BasedOn(typeof(IRepositoryBase<,>)) .WithServiceAllInterfaces().WithServiceSelf().LifestyleTransient());

    Note .WithServiceSelf() call, this actually switches class-based proxying