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CKEditor doesn't show in laravel 5

I want to save some data from a webpage and for that i wanted to use CKEditor in my page. But after loading the page it's showing normal textarea instead of showing CKEditor . i followed the following process to use it:

1 Download the file, uncompressed it and placed it in public > js folder

2.then in my master page in HEAD tag i have used the following line to link it:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL::asset('assets/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js') }}"></script`>  

3 after that in my viewpage i have used :

<textarea class="form-control" id="article-ckeditor" name="description" rows="3"></textarea></br>

        CKEDITOR.replace( 'article-ckeditor' );


  • you try to cdn link to i have solve this problem in cdn link..

    <textarea name="editor1"></textarea>
                CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' );