Search code examples

How to render series data to a title in sencha charts

I have a chart retrieving data from my store, the four bits of information are the following

Model Code

Ext.define('QvidiApp.model.ClipsViews', {
extend: '',

requires: [

config: {
    fields: [
            name: 'meta_id'
            name: 'title'
            name: 'viewed'
            name: 'glances'

Now I have the viewed field and the glances field as the numeric fields in the chart, and the title field as the category title in the chart.

I want to render the title name of the field when I hover over it, reason id this. The titles are too long to fit in the x-axis of the chart so in place of the titles I am putting 'meta_id'. So when I hover over the x-axis meta_id field I want the title name to be shown

so for example

meta_id 100 will equal title value ###

Here's is my chart code so far

                            xtype: 'chart',
                            centered: true,
                            height: '150%',
                            colors: [
                            store: 'ClipsViewed',
                            axes: [
                                    type: 'category',
                                    fields: [
                                    grid: true,
                                    label: {
                                        rotate: {
                                            degrees: 0
                                        font: '7px'
                                    title: 'Clips'
                                    type: 'numeric',
                                    fields: [
                                    grid: true,
                                    position: 'left',
                                    title: 'Amount'
                            series: [
                                    type: 'bar',
                                    renderer: function(sprite, config, rendererData, index) {

                                    style: {
                                        minGapWidth: 1,
                                        minBarWidth: 60,
                                        maxBarWidth: 70,
                                        opacity: 0.80
                                    xField: 'meta_id',
                                    yField: [
                            interactions: [
                                    type: 'panzoom'
                            legend: {
                                xtype: 'legend'

As you can see in the above code I have a render function but I dont know what to put into it


  • Use tips for series

    series: [
            type: 'bar',
            tips: {
                trackMouse: true,
                width: 74,
                height: 38,
                renderer: function(storeItem, item) {
                    this.setTitle(storeItem.get('meta_id') + '<br />' + storeItem.get('title'));
            style: {
                minGapWidth: 1,
                minBarWidth: 60,
                maxBarWidth: 70,
                opacity: 0.80
            xField: 'meta_id',
            yField: [