I have these API calls in my test that need to run first so I can store the response in a variable to use later. But it looks like my tests are running asynchronously so the second test finishes before the variable gets populated. How can I make the tests run synchronously?
I've heard that one way is to use before
and passing the done
callback. But I'm not sure how to do that with jasmine-node
Example of test:
var dataID = '';
frisby.create('Get ID')
.afterJSON(function(json) {
dataID = json.id;
frisby.create('Get data with ID')
.get(url, id)
.expectJSON({"id": dataID})
So I tried doing my test like this and the done()
callback doesn't seem to get called. (The test times out)
describe('API TEST', function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
frisby.create('Get ID')
.afterJSON(function(json) {
dataID = json.id;
done(); //?
it('should work', function() {
}); //"timed out after 5000 msec waiting for spec to complete"
What I ended up doing was using the async
library and doing .timeout(60000)
on the actual frisby test like so:
function(cb) {
frisby.create('Get ID')
.afterJSON(function(json) {
dataID = json.id;
function() {
//other tests using id