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How can I get Jackson to deserialize into my own Array implementation

Given my own array implementation MyArray<T>, how can I make it known to Jackson, so that it is able to deserialize from a JSON Array into MyArray<T>? So far I am only getting this exception:

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not deserialize instance of MyArray out of START_ARRAY token


  • As Dariusz mentioned, it's good to take advantage of the fact that Array class has constructor accepting normal array.

    Look, if you use default serializer - your array serialized to JSON would look like:


    it's clearly a waste of space, unless you want size and ordered fields to be preserved.

    I suggest you changing the way you serialize your object so that it would look more like normal array, on the other end - deserialization can build Array object again.

    If you add following pair of serializer and deserializer:

    SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
    module.addDeserializer(Array.class, new StdDelegatingDeserializer<>(
        new StdConverter<Object[], Array>() {
            public Array convert(Object[] value) {
                return new Array(value);
    module.addSerializer(Array.class, new StdDelegatingSerializer(
        new StdConverter<Array, Object>() {
            public Object convert(Array value) {
                return value.toArray();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    you will have transparent conversion between these types