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Realm file size is too large

I'm trying to integrate Realm into my project and noticed an issue. I've seen other posts on this, but they were a little over a year ago and have been resolved..

When adding objects to Realm, things are file. But when removing objects, they get removed from the DB, but the file size is still large. If I open the realm file in TextEdit, I can see raw text of old records. Why aren't they getting fully deleted?

Take a look at this screenshot. Zero files in the Realm DB, but the file size is 23 mb.


enter image description here


  • as bcamur sad,

    the Realm file will maintain its size on disk to efficiently reuse that space for future objects

    but there is also written

    The extra space will eventually be reused by future writes, or may be compacted — for example by calling Realm().writeCopyToPath(_:encryptionKey:).


    call invalidate to tell Realm that you no longer need any of the objects that you’ve read from the Realm so far, which frees us from tracking intermediate versions of those objects. The Realm will update to the latest version the next time it is accessed