I have a big json file with list of tests. Json file contains several filenames, which contains names of test classes, which have some setup stuff and a list of tests. Here is an example of such json file:
"filename1.py": {
"ClassName": [
"setupSection": [
here will be list of sqls which should be performed before tests
"listOfTests": {
"test1Name": [
{ here will be query }, {here will be expected result}
"test1Name": [
{ here will be query }, {here will be expected result}
"filename2.py": {
"ClassName": [
"setupSection": [
here will be list of sqls which should be performed before tests
"listOfTests": {
"test1Name": [
{ here will be query }, {here will be expected result}
"test1Name": [
{ here will be query }, {here will be expected result}
And I need somehow perform this tests with a few classes written in Java or Scala. So there should be 1-3 classes written in Java or/and Scala which will perform all tests from json file. Is it possible?
It is possible using specs2. Let's say you can deserialize your Json file to
case class Query(query: Query)
case class Test(name: String, query: Query, result: String)
case class TestFile(setup: Query, tests: List[Test])
Then you can create the following specification
import org.specs2._
class JsonSpec(path: String) extends Specification {
lazy val files: List[TestFile] = readFilesFromJson(path)
def createTests(tests: List[Test]): Fragments =
Fragments.foreach(tests) { test =>
|${test.name ! executeQuery(test.query) must_== test.result}""".stripMargin
def is =
Fragments.foreach(files) { file =>
// load the Json file
def readFilesFromJson(path: String): List[TestFile] =
// execute the query and return the result
// as a String
def executeQuery(query: Query): String =
If you have any issue with that please create a small Github project and I can help you from there.