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Subscribe to category stream, event never appears in subscription client

Being a first time user of GetEventStore and having read the docs, I have an issue where events never appears on my subscription client.

This is possible due to a configuration step I've missed.

Having this console application client:

public class EventStoreSubscriptionClient : ISubscriptionClient
    private const string GroupName = "liner";
    private const string StreamName = "$ce-happening";

    private readonly IProvideEventStoreConnection _eventStoreConnection;
    private readonly UserCredentials _userCredentials;

    private EventStorePersistentSubscriptionBase EventStorePersistentSubscriptionBase { get; set; }

    public EventStoreSubscriptionClient(IProvideEventStoreConnection eventStoreConnection, UserCredentials userCredentials)
        _eventStoreConnection = eventStoreConnection;
        _userCredentials = userCredentials;

    public void Connect()
        var connection = _eventStoreConnection.ConnectAsync().Result;
        EventStorePersistentSubscriptionBase = connection.ConnectToPersistentSubscription(

    private void SubscriptionDropped(EventStorePersistentSubscriptionBase subscription, SubscriptionDropReason reason, Exception ex)

    private async void EventAppeared(EventStorePersistentSubscriptionBase subscription, ResolvedEvent resolvedEvent)
        Console.WriteLine("Event appeared: " + resolvedEvent.Event.EventId);

    public void Dispose()

Upon starting this console application, the connection goes fine to http://myserver:1113. In the administration panel of my event store I can see there is a connection to this stream/group on the competing consumers tab:

Image of event store administation

But if I send a event like to happening-<guid> it shows up on the stream browser, but my subscription client never gets an event appeared event:

Image of event store received event

Have I misunderstood on how subscriptions, streams and groups works? Please enlighten me.


  • The answer here is that projections for the Event Store was disabled.

    Start the store with --run-projections=all