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terminating with uncaught exception of type Esri_runtimecore::Common::Out_of_range_exception

While plotting the values on Arcgis, Arcgis is throwing below exception:

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type Esri_runtimecore::Common::Out_of_range_exception: Out of range

I am trying to plot the coordinates as polygon on the map.
Here is my code snippet

AGSGeometryEngine* engine = [AGSGeometryEngine defaultGeometryEngine];
AGSSpatialReference *specailRefference = [AGSSpatialReference spatialReferenceWithWKID:3857];
AGSMutablePolygon *polyGon = [[AGSMutablePolygon alloc] initWithSpatialReference:specailRefference];

AGSPoint *minGPSPoint = [[AGSPoint alloc] initWithX:minLon
                      spatialReference:[AGSSpatialReference wgs84SpatialReference]];

AGSPoint *minMapPoint = (AGSPoint*) [engine projectGeometry:minGPSPoint

[polyGon addPointToRing:minMapPoint];

AGSPoint *maxGpsPoint = [[AGSPoint alloc] initWithX:maxLon
                                spatialReference:[AGSSpatialReference wgs84SpatialReference]];

AGSPoint *maxMapPoint = (AGSPoint*) [engine projectGeometry:maxGpsPoint

[polyGon addPointToRing:maxMapPoint];
AGSSketchGraphicsLayer *gpsSketchLayer = [[AGSSketchGraphicsLayer alloc] initWithGeometry:nil];
[self.mapView addMapLayer:gpsSketchLayer withName:@"Sketch layer"];

AGSGraphic *graphic=[[AGSGraphic alloc]initWithGeometry:polyGon symbol:[self barrierSymbol2] attributes:nil];

[gpsSketchLayer addGraphic:graphic];

App is crashing is on [polyGon addPointToRing:minMapPoint] this line.


  • I have searched around for this issue and I found out that in case of invalid coordinates we get this error.
    If we face this issue we need to check the input parameters.