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Wordpress | images not show up equal after convert to responsive theme

I converted my wordpress theme to responsive.. all values of "width" change to percents (%)

and the poroblem is :

from 400px width it show:

first line 2 post

second line just one post (instead 2 post)..

how can i fix that so the page will show 2 post in all line?

i attached some pictures to explain the situation.

image of smartphone until 400px width

image of 500px


  • Ok your situation was a little tricky. The theme was not really designed in the best way to make those "blocks" responsive. To make it work I added js to your footer (you can move this to a js file if you prefer)

    function equal_cols(el)
      var divs = jQuery(el);
      divs.css('height', '');
      var tallestHeight =, al) {
          return jQuery(al).innerHeight();
      divs.css('height', Math.max.apply(this, tallestHeight));
      //alert(Math.max.apply(this, tallestHeight));
    ( window ).resize(function() {
        var el = $(this).find('.product-container');
    jQuery(window).resize(function() {
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    Then in the movie-home.php and taxonomy-movie-genre.php file I commented out the "clears" that were being added every third row. We don't need that any more since we are making all the boxes the same size with JS.

    <?php /* if(++$counter % 3 == 0) : ?>
      <div class="clear"></div>
    <?php endif; */ ?>

    The only gotcha is that all the boxes are the same size now regardless of how much content is in them.