I am trying to emulate Ctrl-P in Excel 2013 where the print dialog box is shown on the left with the print preview on the right.
(Although where the preview displays, I always have to click "Show Print Preview" first. I can't find a way to force the preview to show every time).
I tried the following:
This shows the old style dialog box where you need to click the "Preview" button
This shows the preview but doesn't allow the printer to be changed from the same screen.
Something like this?
Option Explicit
Public Sub Example()
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("PrintPreviewAndPrint")
End Sub
CommandBars.ExecuteMso Method (MSDN) is useful method in cases where there is no object model for a particular command.
For Outlook
Option Explicit
Public Sub Example()
Dim Inspector As Outlook.Inspector
Set Inspector = Application.ActiveInspector
If Not Inspector Is Nothing Then
Dim cmd As Office.CommandBars
Set cmd = Inspector.CommandBars
cmd.ExecuteMso ("FilePrintPreview")
Set cmd = ActiveInspector.CommandBars
cmd.ExecuteMso ("FilePrintPreview")
End If
End Sub