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inheritance and composition confusion?

I've an abstract class Area, which is subclassed as Province, Division, District and City.

Now, I need to specify in the City class in which district this city exists. So, I will have an instance of District class inside City class (Composition), so that I could pass id of a specific district to the city and that will be stored in database city tables. But, it doesn't follow the rules of composition. As District-has-City and not the other way.

And another problem is that both classes are use inheritance and composition, which I feel is not right.

I've been trying to solve this on my own for a week by googling and other stuff. But, I'm unable to solve this issue. It's my last hope i guess. How would I solve this? any example?


  • Very interesting question, but lacks one important detail - Context. What will create cities, what will access cities? What cities, districts, etc.. will be responsible for? Will they be just data entities? I have to answer to these questions, before I can help you. So lets start designing our domain model:

    Client (let it be main method) will create places through CountryBuilder interface. Client will access them through Registry interface. Places will be immutable (client is not allowed to modify places data directly). The only mutation of existing place allowed to client is adding a new place to it through CountryBuilder. All places has and (as you required) knows (has name of) it's enclosing place. State has no enclosing place, but can own Districts. District has name of State and contains Cities, City can contain no places, but has names of it's owners (ZipAddress). Of course you can achieve same effect using only one abstraction Place, but then you will need to use some checking to determine what this place is, since not all places can contain other places (e.g City), not all places are contained by others (e.g State) and some places can contain other places, as well as is contained by some place (District). To avoid checking, that would be required in order to know if that place is either a City, or District, or State I've used three different abstractions. You can create State, without creating neither City nor District, but you can't create City without specifying State and District. Please read code carefully and read my comments below: This is a client class. Only two factory methods of Country class is accessible for it.

    package com.ooDesign;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Country;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Country.City;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Country.District;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Country.State;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Registry.NoSuchPlaceException;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    public class CountryClient 
        public static void main(String[] args)
            /*Creating various combinations of places.*/      
            build("ImaginaryState" , "ImaginaryDistrict", "MadCity");
            build("ImaginaryState" , "ImaginaryDistrict", "EastCity");
            build("ImaginaryState" , "ImaginaryDistrict", "WestCity");
            build("DamnGoodState" , "DamnGoodDistrict", "DamnGoodCity");
            build("ImaginaryState" , "ProgrammersDistrict", "NoLifersCity");
            build("DamnGoodState" , "DamnGoodDistrict", "DamnBadCity");
            /*"DamnGoodCity" in "DamnBadDistrict" is not the same as "DamnGoodCity" in "DamnGoodDistrict"
               since they are located in different districts. You can easily find out how to change implementation
               to not allow to build multiple cities with same name even if they are in different districts.*/
            build("DamnGoodState" , "DamnBadDistrict", "DamnGoodCity");
            /*Printing what we just created*/
            } catch (NoSuchPlaceException ex)
                Logger.getLogger(CountryClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            /*Getting state of speciffic city (thanks to ZipCode interface)*/
            } catch (NoSuchPlaceException ex)
                Logger.getLogger(CountryClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        static void print(String string)
        static void traverseWorld() throws NoSuchPlaceException
            for(State s : Country.registry())
                print("Districts in state \"" + + "\" :");
                for(District d : s)
                    print("   Cities in district \"" + + "\" :");
                    for(City c : d)
                        print("      " +;
        static void build(String state, String district, String city)
        static void build(String state, String district)
        static void build(String state)
 Holder of data entities interfaces (City, District, State) and static factory of Accessor(Registry) and Muttator(CountryBuilder) abstractions.

    package com.ooDesign.Country;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Registry.NoSuchPlaceException;
    public final class Country
        private static HashMap<String, State> states = new HashMap<>();
        public static CountryBuilder builder()
            return new CountryBuilderImpl(states);
        public static Registry registry()
            return new RegistryImpl(states);
        public interface Place
            String name();
        public interface State extends Place, Iterable<District>
            public District district(String districtName) throws NoSuchPlaceException;
        public interface District extends Place, Iterable<City>
            public City city(String cityName) throws NoSuchPlaceException;
            public String inState();
        public interface City extends Place
            public ZipCode zipCode();
        public interface ZipCode
            String state();
            String district();
            String city();
 I like this way of composed objects building because of it's readability. Then you can instantiate objects like this

    package com.ooDesign.Country;
    public interface CountryBuilder
        public StateBuilder build();
        public interface StateBuilder
           public DistrictBuilder state(String stateName);
        public interface DistrictBuilder
            public CityBuilder district(String districtName);
        public interface CityBuilder
            public void city(String cityName);
 Implementation of CountryBuilder abstraction.

    package com.ooDesign.Country;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Country.State;
    import static com.ooDesign.Country.Country.*;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Registry.NoSuchPlaceException;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Map;
    class CountryBuilderImpl implements CountryBuilder
        private Map<String, State> states;
        public CountryBuilderImpl(Map<String, State> states)
            this.states = states;
        public StateBuilder build()
            return new StateBuilder()
                public DistrictBuilder state(String stateName)
                    StateImpl currentState;
                    if (states.containsKey(stateName))
                        currentState = (StateImpl)states.get(stateName);
                    } else
                        currentState = new StateImpl(stateName);
                        states.put(stateName, currentState);
                    return new DistrictBuilder()
                        public CityBuilder district(String districtName)
                            DistrictImpl currentDistrict = currentState.addDistrict(districtName);
                            return new CityBuilder()
                                public void city(String cityName)
        private static class StateImpl implements State
            private final Map<String, District> districts;
            private final String stateName;
            StateImpl(String stateName)
                this.districts = new HashMap<>();
                this.stateName = stateName;
            DistrictImpl addDistrict(String districtName)
                if (!districts.containsKey(districtName))
                    districts.put(districtName, new DistrictImpl(stateName, districtName));
                return (DistrictImpl)districts.get(districtName);
            public District district(String districtName) throws Registry.NoSuchPlaceException
                if (!districts.containsKey(districtName))
                    throw new Registry.NoSuchPlaceException("District \"" + districtName + "\" in state of " + stateName + " does not exists");
                } else
                    return districts.get(districtName);
            public String name()
                return stateName;
            public Iterator<Country.District> iterator()
                return districts.values().iterator();
        private static class DistrictImpl implements District
            private final Map<String, Country.City> cities;
            private final String stateName, districtName;
            DistrictImpl(String stateName, String districtName)
                this.cities = new HashMap<>();
                this.stateName = stateName;
                this.districtName = districtName;
            void addCity(String cityName)
                if (!cities.containsKey(cityName))
                    cities.put(cityName, new CityImpl(new ZipImpl(stateName, districtName, cityName)));
            public City city(String cityName) throws NoSuchPlaceException
                if (!cities.containsKey(cityName))
                    throw new Registry.NoSuchPlaceException("City \"" + cityName + "\" in state of " + stateName + " in district of " + districtName + " does not exists");
                } else
                    return cities.get(cityName);
            CityImpl getCity(String cityName)
                return (CityImpl)cities.get(cityName);
            public String inState()
                return stateName;
            public String name()
                return districtName;
            public Iterator<Country.City> iterator()
                return cities.values().iterator();
        private static class CityImpl implements City
            private final Country.ZipCode zipCode;
            public CityImpl(Country.ZipCode zipCode)
                this.zipCode = zipCode;
            public Country.ZipCode zipCode()
                return zipCode;
            public String name()
        private static class ZipImpl implements ZipCode
            private final String state, district, city;
            public ZipImpl(String state, String district, String city)
                this.state = state;
                this.district = district;
       = city;
            public String state()
                return state;
            public String district()
                return district;
            public String city()
                return city;
            public String toString()
                return "ZIP_CODE: STATE - " + state + "; DISTRICT - " + district + "; CITY - " + city;
 Used to access places.

    package com.ooDesign.Country;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Country.State;
    import java.util.Set;
    public interface Registry extends Iterable<State>
        Set<String> listStates();
        State state(String stateName) throws NoSuchPlaceException;
        public static class NoSuchPlaceException extends Exception
            public NoSuchPlaceException(String message)
 Name tells it's purpose.

    package com.ooDesign.Country;
    import com.ooDesign.Country.Country.State;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
    class RegistryImpl implements Registry
        private final Map<String, State> states;
        public RegistryImpl(Map<String, State> states)
            this.states = states;
        public Set<String> listStates()
            return states.keySet();
        public State state(String stateName) throws NoSuchPlaceException
                throw new NoSuchPlaceException("State \"" + stateName + "does not exists");
            return states.get(stateName);
        public Iterator<State> iterator()
            return states.values().iterator();

    As you can see, implementation is isolated from client, since they are in separate packages and implementation classes are not public. Client can only interact with them through interfaces. Interfaces has many purposes and advantages. They are core of OO design. I'll left for you to find out how to get all cities in specific state, all districts in specific state, all cities in specific district etc.. It is very easy to do. And you can implement many convenience methods, various management classes if you want (and you must if you are writing high quality, maintainable software). All of this code is just to show you a big picture of OO design. That's actually great that you are passionate enaugh to seek for answer entire week. My suggestion would be to find a good book and read it if you start to learn a new concepts. OO design and software architecture is vast. And beautiful. But you need to master it if you want to see that beauty in all its glory. Read book Holub on patterns , it will definitely help you. P.S Feel free to ask questions about code, as well as notify me if you would find a bug. Good luck!