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PHP 7 "The ASP tags <%, %>, <%=" are deprecated

Per the manual:

I'm trying to learn some various MVC's and frameworks (namely Backbone.js at the moment) and the pages the frameworks use are .html files and a code snippet would be listed as: <%- title %> (Source:

Does this mean the frameworks won't work if my server has PHP 7? I realize I could go ahead and just try it this individual time but I'm general...does PHP 7 think the <% tags are ASP only and such not allow them?


  • The backbone should work without any problem with PHP, see example, because the code is wrapped is a script tag.

    <script type="text/template" id="tpl-hello-backbone">
        <%= message %>

    In case that you still encounter problems try to use Mustache.js and display the text using {{}}

    <script type="text/template" id="tpl-hello-backbone">
           {{message }}