I'm trying to submit a bug to a bugzilla server with mylyn task plugin in eclipse, but when i sent it server replies : Assignee:<name> did not match anything being name the the user from my mail sent, seem to be splitting my email from the @.
Actually i'm using Mylyn 3.4.1 and eclipse 3.5.2, does anyone had this issue before or knows how to solve it?
Thanks for advance
Is this like in bug 167949?
On the bugzilla repository settings page for this repository, ensure that "
Local users enabled
" isn't check.
When selected, the "@...
" is trimmed from the field upon submit.
Related to bug 166555:
There is now a "Local users enabled:" check box on the Bugzilla repository settings page.
Enable this and only the username will be sent in the QA field rather then the entire address.