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parsing json to POJO using retrofit

I am trying to parse json to a POJO using retrofit, but keeps getting an error. It seems to get the data and as far as I can see from the logcat i reads and parses the json correctly. But it returns succes=false and do not return a responsedata object. The error type and error message reads null. I have no idea of what is wrong and would appreciate any suggestions to solutions or how to locate the error.


  "competition_info": {
    "headline": "competition",
    "description": "description for competition.",
    "accept_button": "OK",
    "open_terms_button": "Open info"
  "terms": {
    "html": "a website in html"


public class AnnComResponses{
    public CompetitionInfo competitionInfo;
    public Terms terms;

    public class Terms{

        public String html;

        public String getTerms() {
            return html;

    public class CompetitionInfo{
        public String headline;
        public String description;
        public String acceptButton;
        public String openTermsButton;

        public String getHeadline() {
            return headline;

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getAcceptButton() {
            return acceptButton;

        public String getOpenTermsButton() {
            return openTermsButton;



  • Try using GSON converter with retrofit as below :

    RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
                    .setConverter(new GsonConverter(new GsonBuilder()).create()))
                    .setEndpoint("your api end point goes here")
    YourAPI api = restAdapter.create(YourAPI.class);