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Cannot use require in my mocha tests with karma runner via gulp

I hit the same problem with my second project again. Sadly I have to post mostly every config file here to show you enough information - so don't be scared ;)

I'm using the following to unit test:

  • gulp
  • karma
  • mocha


// including plugins
var gulp = require('gulp')
    , uglify = require("gulp-uglify")
    , concat = require('gulp-concat')
    , clean = require('gulp-clean')
    , open = require('gulp-open')
    , babel = require("gulp-babel")
    , copy = require("gulp-copy")
    , mocha = require('gulp-mocha');

var Server = require('karma').Server;

gulp.task('tests', function(done) {
        configFile: __dirname + '/karma.config.js',
        singleRun: true
    }, function() {


module.exports = function(config) {
        browsers: ['Chrome'],
        frameworks: ['mocha'],
        files: [



var assert = require('assert');

var classDummy = new ClassDummy();
var superClassDummy = new SuperClassDummy();

describe('HeritageGuard Tests', function () {
    describe('getSuperClassName', function () {
        it('should return the name of the super class as String', function () {

            var superClassName = HeritageGuard.getSuperClassName(classDummy);
            assert.equal(superClassName, "SuperClassDummy");

Output of Gulp "tests" task

[09:51:39] Using gulpfile c:\...\...\...\...\JavaScriptProjects\HeritageGuard\gulpfile.js
[09:51:39] Starting 'tests'...
06 03 2016 09:51:39.512:WARN [karma]: Port 9876 in use
06 03 2016 09:51:39.514:WARN [karma]: Port 9877 in use
06 03 2016 09:51:39.515:INFO [karma]: Karma v0.13.21 server started at http://localhost:9878/
06 03 2016 09:51:39.519:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
06 03 2016 09:51:48.390:INFO [Chrome 49.0.2623 (Windows 10 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket /#aVMDjm22W8-g3Z_8AAAA with id 44639779
Chrome 49.0.2623 (Windows 10 0.0.0) ERROR
  Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
  at c:/.../.../.../.../JavaScriptProjects/HeritageGuard/tests/heritageguardtests.js:8

[09:51:48] Finished 'tests' after 9.06 s

Process finished with exit code 0

As you can read require is not defined but without using var assert = require('assert'); in my mocha test file I cannot use the assertion library == no way to test.

So how did anybody before solved this issue? I can't find any solution for either using another way to get the assertion library to work (without require) nor getting require to work within the testfile.


  • Karma isn't a server-side testing framework, so you don't have NodeJS's modules like fs or assert.

    Karma will simply inject the test/frameworks scripts directly into the page. It doesn't use any sort of bundling/module pattern.

    You need to include an assertion library using Karma (If you want the "expect" syntax, have a look at chai.js) by adding it to the files: entry in karma.conf.js, and then it should be available to you globally, without the need for requireing anything.