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Rsync errors on windows with DeltaCopy

Previously I got this working on my workstation, but since I formatted it, rsync stopped to work.

I already reinstalled git and deltacopy a couple of times.
Also had registered rsync as a service on windows.

Every time I ran the command, I got these errors.
If I type a wrong password, I get access denied, so the connection is ok.

C:\\> rsync -v -rlt -z --chmod=a=rw,Da+x --delete 
      "/cygdrive/C/P21 Sistemas/web/apache/local.sdt21/sdt21/" 
      "[email protected]:/home/sdt21/homologacao/www/sdt21/"

[email protected]'s password: *********

dup() in/out/err failed
rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at 
      /home/lapo/packaging/rsync-3.0.4-1/src/rsync-3.0.4/io.c(791)  [sender=3.0.4]**


  • The problem is with the ".

    The quote is a known issue on Windows. In order to override the problem install cygwin & rsync:

    See: Using rsync and cygwin to Sync Files from a Linux Server to a Windows Notebook PC

    And then write your command in a shell script and execute it.