Playing with JavaScript and CSS transition, I tried to remove a CSS class right after having dynamically inserted a div, using JavaScript and innerHTML.
I'm really surprised to see that the CSS transition associated with the opacity of the blue div is not triggered the way I want (works under Safari, works randomly under Chrome, doesn't work under Firefox Dev Edition). Can someone explain this phenomenon ?
I'm not sure about why it is not working the same way as it does for the red div. Maybe something I don't know about how browsers handle innerHTML ?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Having fun with JS</title>
.std {
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 5s;
.std--hidden {
opacity: 0;
.std--red {
background-color: red;
.std--blue {
background-color: blue;
<button>click here</button>
<div class='std std--red std--hidden'></div>
<div class='insert-here'>
// let a chance to the browser to trigger a rendering event before the class is toggled
// see
setTimeout(function() {
// everything works fine for the red div
}, 0);
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var template = `<div class='std std--blue std--hidden'></div>`;
document.querySelector('.insert-here').innerHTML = template;
setTimeout(function() {
// Why does the CSS transition seems to be triggered randomly ?
// well more exactly
// - it works under my Safari
// - it does not work under my FirefoxDeveloperEdition
// - it works randomly under my Google Chrome
}, 0);
So I've just read the CSS transitions specs and found this
This processing of a set of simultaneous style changes is called a style change event. (Implementations typically have a style change event to correspond with their desired screen refresh rate, and when up-to-date computed style or layout information is needed for a script API that depends on it.)
Can this be the explanation somehow ? Does the setTimeout 0 is too fast on some browsers that they don't have time to compute the style differences and thus don't trigger a style change event ? Indeed if use a longer setTimeout (say, ~16.6666, guessing a 1/60 refresh rate...) it seems to work everywhere. Can someone confirm that ?
I think I've found the answer, see the CSS 3 transition spec:
Since this specification does not define when a style change event occurs, and thus what changes to computed values are considered simultaneous, authors should be aware that changing any of the transition properties a small amount of time after making a change that might transition can result in behavior that varies between implementations, since the changes might be considered simultaneous in some implementations but not others.
I tried to add a little delay to let the browsers notice the style differences and it works consistently. It seems that some browsers are executing a setTimeout 0 really faster than others :-)
setTimeout(function() {
}, 17);