I have a strange issue. In the code below, I create a simple, one element array, x, as well as a simple variable, y. In the case of the array, I set the value of the first element to some text as I do with the variable. When I try to use logger.info to output the text, I get an error, which I do not get with the variable. I am using Mirth Connect
The code is below. Note that this is the ONLY code in the entire channel, all in a single source transformer step.
var x = [];
x[0] = 'abc';
var y = 'xyz';
logger.info('y: ' + y.toString());
logger.info('attachmentLength: ' + x.length);
The first two "logger.info" commands work just fine. Upon trying to execute the last one, however, the error below is logged.
170: var x = [];
171: x[0] = 'abc';
172: var y = 'xyz';
173: logger.info('y: ' + y.toString());
174: logger.info('attachmentLength: ' + x.length);
175: logger.info.(x[0].toString());
176: if ('xml' === typeof msg) {
177: if (msg.hasSimpleContent()) {
178: msg = msg.toXMLString();
179: }
DETAILS: TypeError: function info() {/*
void info(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Throwable)
void info(java.lang.Object)
is not an xml object.
Notice lines 176-179 are not a part of my script. This is something Mirth is adding.
A few weeks ago, I had another issue in which a variable was being treated as a Java variable instead of a Javascript variable. The solution was to do something with the variable to make it a Javascript instead of a Java variable. Unfortunately, I can't remember enough about the issue or the solution to find it again or to even find in my code where I made the changes. Perhaps that is something I can try here.
Could it be the case that the array is being seen as a Java array instead of a Javascript array? If so, can I "force" it to be a Javascript array, somehow?
One other thing to note - all Data Types, including the source connector data types, are set to "Raw", meaning nothing should require any source data to be in any particular format, including XML.
I am at a complete loss as to how to troubleshoot this. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Is it not your erroneous "." causing you the issue? Instead of:
You should have: