I'm using DryIoc and ExpressMapper.
I wrap ExpressMapper inside another class and at some point it should be use to map to a type with a parametrized constructor. Actually it's when I map a view model to a business model. The parameter is an instance of a repository class.
Using TDD, my Mapper class cended up like this (note the constructor accepting a Func).
public class Mapper<T1, T2> : IMapper<T1, T2>
private readonly MappingServiceProvider _mapper;
public Mapper()
_mapper = new MappingServiceProvider();
_mapper.Register<T1, T2>();
public Mapper(Func<T2> func)
_mapper = new MappingServiceProvider();
_mapper.Register<T1, T2>().Instantiate((t1) => func());
public T2 Map(T1 t)
return _mapper.Map<T1, T2>(t);
Thus I tried to use the Ioc like this :
Func<IActivitiesModel>factoryActivitiesModel = () => container.Resolve<IActivitiesModel>();
container.Register(Made.Of(() => factoryActivitiesModel));
// () => new ActivitiesModel(container.Resolve<IActivityRepository>(IfUnresolved.Throw)
container.Register<IMapper<ActivitiesViewModel, IActivitiesModel>, Mapper<ActivitiesViewModel, IActivitiesModel>>(Reuse.Singleton, Made.Of(
() => new Mapper<ActivitiesViewModel, IActivitiesModel>(Arg.Of<Func<IActivitiesModel>>())
But it didn't do.
Unable to use null factory object with factory method ActivitiesMVC.Ioc.<>c__DisplayClass4_0::System.Func`1[ActivitiesLogic.Models.IActivitiesModel] factoryActivitiesModel when resolving: Func<ActivitiesLogic.Models.IActivitiesModel>.
Anyway, I tried different approaches afterward but none seemed to work.
I'd like to avoid to store the container as a static singleton and having the mapper relies on it (I'd like the mapper to remain Ioc agnostic).
How can it be achieved?
EDIt : current solution (with bad static singleton)
public class Ioc
public class Factory<T> : IFactory<T>
public T Create()
return Container.Resolve<T>();
private static Lazy<Container> _container;
public static Container Container => _container.Value;
static Ioc()
_container = new Lazy<Container>(GetContainer);
static private Container GetContainer()
var container = new Container(rules => rules
container.Register(Made.Of(() => new ActivityController(Arg.Of<IMapper<ActivitiesViewModel, IActivitiesModel>>())));
container.Register<ILabContext, LabContext>(new SingletonReuse());
container.Register<IActivityRepository, ActivityRepository>(new SingletonReuse());
container.Register<IActivitiesModel>(made: Made.Of(() => new ActivitiesModel(Arg.Of<IActivityRepository>())));
container.Register(typeof(IFactory<>), typeof(Factory<>), new SingletonReuse());
container.Register<IMapper<ActivitiesViewModel, IActivitiesModel>, Mapper<ActivitiesViewModel, IActivitiesModel>>(Reuse.Singleton, Made.Of(
() => new Mapper<ActivitiesViewModel, IActivitiesModel>(Arg.Of<IFactory<IActivitiesModel>>())
container.Register<IMapper<ActivitiesModel, ActivitiesEntity>, Mapper<ActivitiesModel, ActivitiesEntity>>(new SingletonReuse(), Made.Of(
() => new Mapper<ActivitiesModel, ActivitiesEntity>()
return container;
First, I am not familiar with ExpressMapper, so will try to help based on your sample code alone.
As I understood you want to register activities model, repository, vm, etc., as well as IMapper / Mapper implementation which relies on Func dependency. Another detail is mapper has two constructors, that why you probably tried to use Made.Of.
But Made.Of works with Expression>, not with Func delegate. That is the reason for exception I believe.
Try this setup:
container.Register(typeof(IMapper<,>), typeof(Mapper<,>), Reuse.Singleton,
// will select second constructor with Func parameter
made: FactoryMethod.ConstructorWithResolvableArguments);
// normal model registrations, no need to use Made.Of
// if implementations have single constructor,
// othetwise try use the same made as for Mapper.
container.Register<IActivitiesModel, ActivitiesModel>();
// ... the same way register repository, vm, etc.
If the situation with multiple constructors is common in your code (May be it is a requirement of ExpressMapper to have a default ctor?) Then you may configure automatic constructor selection globally per container:
container = new Container(rules => rules