I have a custom directive and it's template includes an ng-controller directive which needs to be dynamically set. Here is my non working code....
angular.module('myDirectives').directive('tabPanel', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
id: '@?tabId',
template: '@?',
controller: '@?'
controller: 'TabPanelCtrl as tabPanelCtrl',
transclude: true,
template: getTemplate
function getTemplate(element, attr) {
if(attr.template && attr.controller){
return '<tab-panel-inner ng-include="template" ng-controller="controller" ng-transclude></tab-panel-inner>'
return '<tab-panel-inner ng-transclude></tab-panel-inner>'
function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var containerCtrl = ctrls[0];
// Add container controller to scope if it exists.
scope.tabPanelCtrl.containerCtrl = containerCtrl;
I use the directive like this:
<tab-panel tab-id="..." template="..." controller="TestTabFoldersCtrl as testTabFolders"></tab-panel>
The error I get is:
Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'controller' is not a function, got string
Now, I know it's a string, but surely when using the ng-controller attribute in normal HTML you provide a string to it?
I have tried changing the template to this:
return '<tab-panel-inner ng-include="template" ng-controller="{{controller}}" ng-transclude></tab-panel-inner>'
I thought the curly braces might make it evaluate it, but it doesn't help. The only thing that works is hard-coding the
You just need to concatenate the attribute values into the template string:
function getTemplate(element, attr) {
if(attr.template && attr.controller){
var template ='<tab-panel-inner ng-include="' + attr.template + '"';
template += ' ng-controller="'+ attr.controller + '" ng-transclude></tab-panel-inner>'
return template;
return '<tab-panel-inner ng-transclude></tab-panel-inner>'