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Ebay File Exchange Custom Field Removal or Rename

I have some custom fields on my Ebay listings that I want to remove or rename. Is there a way to do this via file exchange or even the API if need be? Or are the listings going to need to be reuploaded or edited manually?


  • File Exchange

    In order to do any sort of modification to the "Item Specifics" section of a listing via File Exchange you must do a Revise request followed by ALL of your custom Item Specific Name/Value pairs. You are not able to do any sort of "cherry picking" of what you would like to modify. It's all or nothing.


    enter image description here
    If say we wanted to to change the "Brand" value from "SanDisk" to "Apple" we would need to have a file resembling this. enter image description here

    This will update the brand correctly while still retaining the existing Item Specifics where if something like say this was sententer image description here

    All existing custom Item Specifics would be removed and the listing would then only have "Storage Capacity" as an Item Specific