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How to query a particular DBpedia Resource/Page for multiple entities?

I have links to a number of DBpedia pages like:

I would like to get the Abstract and Thumbnail entities for each one of them.

I can get them individually using:

  • For Abstract:

    PREFIX dbo: <>
    PREFIX res: <>
    PREFIX rdf: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    SELECT ?label
    WHERE { <>
              dbo:abstract ?label . FILTER (lang(?label) = \'en\')}
  • For Thumbnail:

    PREFIX dbo: <>
    PREFIX res: <>
    PREFIX rdf: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    SELECT ?thumbnail
    WHERE { <>
              dbo:thumbnail ?thumbnail}

Is it possible to combine the above two queries into a single one. I am very new to SPARQL and couldn't get it to work.

Additionally, is there a better way to query than my current approach?


  • Of course it's possible to combine them, the trivial way to do it would be just to concatenate the bodies of the two WHEREs and adjust the SELECT accordingly:

    SELECT ?label ?thumbnail
    WHERE {
        <> dbo:abstract ?label . 
        FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en')
        <> dbo:thumbnail ?thumbnail .

    If you want to be more succinct, you can combine two triples with the same subject using ;:

    SELECT ?label ?thumbnail
    WHERE {
            dbo:abstract ?label ; 
            dbo:thumbnail ?thumbnail .
        FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en')

    And since you defined the res: prefix, you can use that to shorten the URI:

    SELECT ?label ?thumbnail
    WHERE {
            dbo:abstract ?label ; 
            dbo:thumbnail ?thumbnail .
        FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en')