I would like to have a variable from request ($request->getUri()->getBasePath();) always available on the templates. How can I do this e.g. with a middleware without having to pass the above as parameter to renderer->render on all routes each time ?
return $this->renderer->render($response, 'test.php', $args);
UPDATE: This can be done after php-view 2.1.0 as so:
$container['renderer'] = function ($c) {
$settings = $c->get('settings')['renderer'];
return new Slim\Views\PhpRenderer($settings['template_path']);
$app->add(function (Request $request, Response $response, callable $next) {
$uri = $request->getUri();
$renderer = $this->get('renderer');
$renderer->addAttribute('uri', $request->getUri());
return $next($request, $response);
Then, inside the template:
While looking into the Code of the PhpRenderer you will see currently there is no way to specify data
outside of the render()
You could create an issue and/or make a pull request to support that functionality.