I have a simple C code and big confusion about expressions containing comma(,) operator(s).
int main(){
int i=0,j=11,c;
printf("c=%d i=%d\n",c,i);
printf("c=%d i=%d\n",c,i);
return 0;
The above code prints:
c=11 i=12
c=12 i=12
My questions are:
has more precedence than ,
and =
, why evaluation is done for the expression on left of comma?The assignment operator has a higher priority then the comma operator. Thus expression
c = i = j, ++i;
is equivalent to
( c = i = j ), ++i;
According to the C Standard (6.5.17 Comma operator)
2 The left operand of a comma operator is evaluated as a void expression; there is a sequence point between its evaluation and that of the right operand. Then the right operand is evaluated; the result has its type and value.114)
In the expression above the result of the comma operator is discarded but it has a side effect of increasing i
In this expression
c = ( i = j, ++i );
due to using parentheses you changed the order of the evaluation of the above expression. Now it is equivalent to
c = ( ( i = j ), ++i );
and variable c
gets the value of expression ++i
according to the quote from the C Standard listed above.