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Difference between Java 8 streams and RxJava observables

Are Java 8 streams similar to RxJava observables?

Java 8 stream definition:

Classes in the new package provide a Stream API to support functional-style operations on streams of elements.


  • Short answer

    All sequence/stream processing libs are offering very similar API for pipeline building. The differences are in API for handling multi-threading and composition of pipelines.

    Long answer

    RxJava is quite different from Stream. Of all JDK things, the closest to rx.Observable is perhaps Stream + CompletableFuture combo (which comes at a cost of dealing with extra monad layer, i. e. having to handle conversion between Stream<CompletableFuture<T>> and CompletableFuture<Stream<T>>).

    There are significant differences between Observable and Stream:

    • Streams are pull-based, Observables are push-based. This may sound too abstract, but it has significant consequences that are very concrete.
    • Stream can only be used once, Observable can be subscribed to many times.
    • Stream#parallel() splits sequence into partitions, Observable#subscribeOn() and Observable#observeOn() do not; it is tricky to emulate Stream#parallel() behavior with Observable, it once had .parallel() method but this method caused so much confusion that .parallel() support was moved to separate repository: ReactiveX/RxJavaParallel: Experimental Parallel Extensions for RxJava. More details are in another answer.
    • Stream#parallel() does not allow to specify a thread pool to use, unlike most of RxJava methods accepting optional Scheduler. Since all stream instances in a JVM use the same fork-join pool, adding .parallel() can accidentally affect the behaviour in another module of your program.
    • Streams are lacking time-related operations like Observable#interval(), Observable#window() and many others; this is mostly because Streams are pull-based, and upstream has no control on when to emit next element downstream.
    • Streams offer restricted set of operations in comparison with RxJava. E.g. Streams are lacking cut-off operations (takeWhile(), takeUntil()); workaround using Stream#anyMatch() is limited: it is terminal operation, so you can't use it more than once per stream
    • As of JDK 8, there's no Stream#zip() operation, which is quite useful sometimes.
    • Streams are hard to construct by yourself, Observable can be constructed by many ways EDIT: As noted in comments, there are ways to construct Stream. However, since there's no non-terminal short-circuiting, you can't e. g. easily generate Stream of lines in file (JDK provides Files#lines() and BufferedReader#lines() out of the box though, and other similar scenarios can be managed by constructing Stream from Iterator).
    • Observable offers resource management facility (Observable#using()); you can wrap IO stream or mutex with it and be sure that the user will not forget to free the resource - it will be disposed automatically on subscription termination; Stream has onClose(Runnable) method, but you have to call it manually or via try-with-resources. E. g. you have to keep in mind that Files#lines() must be enclosed in try-with-resources block.
    • Observables are synchronized all the way through (I didn't actually check whether the same is true for Streams). This spares you from thinking whether basic operations are thread-safe (the answer is always 'yes', unless there's a bug), but the concurrency-related overhead will be there, no matter if your code need it or not.


    RxJava differs from Streams significantly. Real RxJava alternatives are other implementations of ReactiveStreams, e. g. relevant part of Akka.


    There's trick to use non-default fork-join pool for Stream#parallel, see Custom thread pool in Java 8 parallel stream.


    All of the above is based on the experience with RxJava 1.x. Now that RxJava 2.x is here, this answer may be out-of-date.