We're using Kendo Grid for data entry and there appears to be two different row selectors, only one of which we are able to turn on/off. The selected row (see #1 black arrow below) can be turned off with "selectable: false". However, another row selector (see #2 red arrow below) appears when we mouseover (i.e. hover over) a different row (see red arrow below). How can we turn the second row selector on/off?
Here's the configuration:
let grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: {
data: rows,
edit: gridCellEdit,
editable: {
createAt: 'bottom'
filterable: true,
sortable: true,
navigatable: true,
resizable: true,
reorderable: true,
scrollable: { virtual: true },
selectable: "row",
columns: gridColumns,
dataBound: monitorKeyboard
You can use the following
.k-grid > table > tbody > tr:hover,
.k-grid-content > table > tbody > tr:hover
background: inherit !important;
here a working demo
hope it will help