I'm trying to refactor some node code that is a whole mess of callbacks. I thought that would be nice give promises a try for this purpose. I'm trying to convert some xml string to json with the xml2js
node module. The original code was:
"use strict";
var xml2jsParser = require('xml2js').parseString;
var string = "<container><tag3>option3</tag3></container>";
xml2jsParser(string, function(err, result)
and this displays:
{ container: { tag1: [ 'option1' ], tag2: [ 'option2' ], tag3: [ 'option3' ] } }
Following the first answer on this question How do I convert an existing callback API to promises? I tried to wrap the xml2jsParser function using promises in the following way:
"use strict";
var xml2jsParser = require('xml2js').parseString;
function promisesParser(string)
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
xml2jsParser(string, resolve);
var string = "<container><tag3>option3</tag3></container>";
promisesParser(string).then(function(err, result){
This displays undefined
through the console instead of the json object as expected. I don't understand why this happens as I was able to successfully do the same with other functions. I know something similar can be achieved with Bluebird promisify functionality but I'd like to do this on plain Javascript without any third party libraries.
You are going to need to wrap it up like this:
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
xml2jsParser(string, function(err, result){
else {
Then use it like this:
//error here