I'm using Quickblox C# SDK. I want to send message to a specific dialog. It's not well documented in Xamarin specific documentation. I decided to visit REST API documentation. As I could learn from there
By using Chat 2.0, you are not automatically storing your messages. Also a dialog entity won't be created/updated without saving a message to history.
I can infer if I set save_to_history
to 1, chat dialog will be automatically created and message will be stored in the backend. However I couldn't figure out how I should specify that in C# SDK, cause extraParam
in this method signature
public void SendMessage(int userId, string body, string extraParams, string dialogId, string subject = null, Quickblox.Sdk.Modules.ChatXmppModule.Models.MessageType messageType = Quickblox.Sdk.Modules.ChatXmppModule.Models.MessageType.Chat)
is just a string. I've dug into disassembled code and after some investigation understood that internally this parameter is used as XML so I tried these two options
var extraParams = "<extraParams> " +
"<save_to_history>1</save_to_history> " +
And Also
var extraParams = "<save_to_history>1</save_to_history> ";
But none of these worked. Anybody has idea how I should specify the extraParam?
The issue was simply that I forgot to call connect before I was sending a message. Here is the method to send a message
public async Task SendMessageAsync(IUser sender, IChatMessage message, string channelID, CancellationToken token)
await loginIfRequired(sender, token);
var jsonMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message);
var recipientID = await getQuickbloxUserId(message.RecipientID, token);
var extraParams = "<extraParams> " +
"<save_to_history>1</save_to_history> " +
_quickblox.ChatXmppClient.SendMessage(recipientID, jsonMessage, extraParams, channelID);
Inside loginIfRequired
I call
_quickblox.ChatXmppClient.Connect(_currentUserID.Value, password);
And everything worked fine and the dialog was created. Hope this will help someone.