I am using Json2Html for converting json to Html .I am finding difficulty in using li tag.Any help is greatly appreciated.
var data = [{
"testSuite": [{
"testCase": [{
"testCaseName": "tc1",
"testStep": [{
"result": "true",
"testStepName": "ts1",
"screenShot": "image"
}, {
"result": "true",
"testStepName": "ts2",
"screenShot": "image"
}] //End of TestStep
"testSuiteName": "testSuite1",
}] // End of testSuite
var transform = {
// Printing the Execution stack
"testSuite": {
"tag": "ul",
"children": function() {
return (json2html.transform(this.testSuite, transform.testSuiteName));
"testSuiteName": {
"tag": "li",
"html": "${testSuiteName}",
"children": function() {
return ('<ul>' + json2html.transform(this.testCase, transform.testCaseNameRetrieval) + '</ul>');
"testCaseNameRetrieval": {
"tag": "li",
"children": function() {
return (json2html.transform(this, transform.testCaseName));
"testCaseName": {
"tag": "li",
"html": "${testCaseName}",
"children": function() {
return (json2html.transform(this.testStep, transform.testStepRetrieval));
"testStepRetrieval": {
"tag": "li",
"children": function() {
return ('<ul>' + json2html.transform(this, transform.testStep) + '</ul>');
"testStep": {
"tag": "li",
"html": "${testStepName}",
return ('<ul>' + json2html.transform(this, transform.testStepResultDescription) + '</ul>');
"testStepResultDescription": {
"tag": "li",
"children": [{
"tag": "div",
"html": "${screenShot} - ${result}"
}; //End of HTML template definition(transform)
$('#json').json2html(data, transform.testSuite);
Html generated from the above transition :
<div>image - true</div>
<div>image - true</div>
Html format which I want is
<div>image - true</div>
<div>image - true</div>
Please help me to remove the extra li tag in the json2html transition.
Try this below code.
var data = [{
"testSuite": [{
"testCase": [{
"testCaseName": "tc1",
"testStep": [{
"result": "true",
"testStepName": "ts1",
"screenShot": "image"
}, {
"result": "true",
"testStepName": "ts2",
"screenShot": "image"
}] //End of TestStep
}, ],
"testSuiteName": "testSuite1",
}] // End of testSuite
var transform = {
// Printing the Execution stack
"testSuite": {
"tag": "ul",
"children": function() {
return (json2html.transform(this.testSuite, transform.testSuiteName));
"testSuiteName": {
"tag": "li",
"html": "${testSuiteName}",
"children": function() {
return ('<ul>' +json2html.transform(this.testCase, transform.testCaseName) + '</ul>');
"testCaseName": {
"tag": "li",
"html": "${testCaseName}",
"children": function() {
return (json2html.transform(this.testStep, transform.testStepRetrieval));
"testStepRetrieval": {
"tag": "ul",
"children": function() {
return (json2html.transform(this, transform.testStep));
"testStep": {
"tag": "li",
"html": "${testStepName}",
return ('<ul>' + json2html.transform(this, transform.testStepResultDescription) + '</ul>');
"testStepResultDescription": {
"tag": "li",
"children": [{
"tag": "div",
"html": "${screenShot} - ${result}"
Hope this will help you.