Here is some example code:
! Author: Svetlana Tkachenko
! License: GPLv3 or later
subroutine myprint(var)
! integer :: var
! print *, 'Hi, my ', var
end subroutine
module testing
type triangle
integer :: point(3)
end type
end module
program main
use testing
type(triangle) :: mytriangle
call myprint(mytriangle%point(1))
end program
it works fine with ifort -c file.f90
, but ifort -warn all -c file.f90
results in an error:
blah.f90(4): warning #6717: This name has not been given an explicit type. [VAR]
subroutine myprint(var)
blah.f90(4): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [VAR]
subroutine myprint(var)
blah.f90(19): error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument. [POINT]
call myprint(mytriangle%point(1))
compilation aborted for blah.f90 (code 1)
Why does -warn all
throw an error? The man page specifically says that all
doesn't include errors.
I know I could just fix the code, but I am trying to set up a testing suite for a legacy code base, and I want to be able to run compilation tests with warnings before I start making code changes.
The option -warn all
includes the option -warn interfaces
inciting interface checking for external procedures where such interfaces can be determined. This is often for interfaces generated from external procedures in separate files compiled with the option -gen-interfaces
It is this option -warn interfaces
that is responsible for the error message. This is able to check the interface of the external subroutine because that subroutine is in the same file as the program which references it. You have two options, then:
;-warn interfaces
.For this latter, you can use
ifort -warn all -warn nointerfaces ...
to have all other warnings but the interface checking.
Preferable to each of those, however, is to have the matching interface. It should be noted, then, that
subroutine myprint(var)
! integer :: var
end subroutine
subroutine myprint(var)
integer :: var
end subroutine
are two very different things in the presence of default implicit typing rules. They may have the same ultimate effect with having no executable statements (etc.) but the characteristics are quite different.