I know I can use the Invocable class to invoke methods on a class:
import javax.script.{ScriptEngine, ScriptEngineManager, Invocable}
val engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtension("js")
val invoker = engine.asInstanceOf[Invocable]
val person = engine.eval(s"""
new function () {
this.name = "Rick";
this.age = 28;
this.speak = function () {
return this.name + "-" + this.age;
invoker.invokeMethod(person, "speak") //returns "Rick-28"
But, how do I get the name
attribute of the person? I tried invoker.invokeMethod(person, "name")
and I got a NoSuchMethodError
You can cast person to a JSObject
and then call person.getMember("name")
. Full Java example:
ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager()
JSObject rick = (JSObject) engine.eval("new function () {\n" +
" this.name = \"Rick\";\n" +
" this.age = 28;\n" +
" this.speak = function () {\n" +
" return this.name + \"-\" + this.age;\n" +
" }\n" +
" };");
Or, if the object is stored in the engine global scope like in the following javascript source:
rick = function() {
this.name= "Rick";
you can then call