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Netflix Archaius Dynamic Configuration

I am integrating Hystrix in to my existing project and I want to read the configuration values from an xml file instead of feeding the configuration properties using Configuration Manager. When the values are updated in the xml file I want Hystrix configuration to be updated at runtime.

This is the guide I am following:

I understand so far that I can use PolledConfigurationSource and the following code:

PolledConfigurationSource source = ...
AbstractPollingScheduler scheduler = ...
DynamicConfiguration configuration = new DynamicConfiguration(source, scheduler);

How do I point PolledConfigurationSource to an xml file to read the properties after a fixed time interval?


  • Following code did the trick for me

    private void initializeConfiguration() {
        // FixedDelayPollingScheduler is initialized with default system
        // settings
        // Fixed delay in milliseconds between two reads of the configuration
        // URLs
        // archaius.fixedDelayPollingScheduler.delayMills = 60000
        // Initial delay in milliseconds of reading from the configuration
        // source
        // archaius.fixedDelayPollingScheduler.initialDelayMills = 30000
        AbstractPollingScheduler scheduler = new FixedDelayPollingScheduler();
        // Configuration source that brings dynamic changes to the configuration
        // via polling
        PolledConfigurationSource source = new XMLPolledConfigurationSource();
        // Configuration that polls a PolledConfigurationSource according to the
        // schedule set by a scheduler
        DynamicConfiguration configuration = new DynamicConfiguration(source, scheduler);
        // Registering configuration with an MBean and will be accessible for
        // read and update via JConsole

    XMLPolledConfigurationSource source code

    public class XMLPolledConfigurationSource implements PolledConfigurationSource {
    public PollResult poll(boolean inital, Object checkPoint) throws Exception {
        PollResult pollResult = null;
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        // Code to read content from the resource
        return pollResult.createFull(map);