I am trying to insert a new section to .docx file. The inserted section should function the same way added sections through word processor does. I am using the Docx4j library for this task.
Here is code I use to create new .docx file and:
Save the document to file
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();
// create new paragraph with a run containing text and add it to the document.
P paragraph1 = objectFactory.createP(); // create new paragraph
R run1 = objectFactory.createR(); // create new run
Text text1 = objectFactory.createText(); // create text
text1.setValue("This is text in paragraph 1 that should be located in section 1.");
run1.getContent().add(text1); // add text ton the run
paragraph1.getContent().add(run1); // add run to paragraph
wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(paragraph1); // add to main document part
// create new section and add it to the document
SectPr sectPr = objectFactory.createSectPr(); // create new section
SectPr.Type sectPrType = objectFactory.createSectPrType();
sectPrType.setVal("continuous"); // "continuous" means no page break before section
wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(sectPr); // add section to document part
// proceed to create another paragraph with a run containing text.
P paragraph2= objectFactory.createP(); // create new paragraph
R run2 = objectFactory.createR(); // create new run
Text text2 = objectFactory.createText(); // create text
text2.setValue("This is text in paragraph 2 that should be located in section 2.");
run2.getContent().add(text2); // add text ton the run
paragraph2.getContent().add(run2); // add run to paragraph
wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(paragraph2); // add to main document part
wordMLPackage.save(new java.io.File("should contain_two_sections.docx")); // save
Created file contains the paragraphs defined in the code. The section is either missing or just doesn't work as inserting sections "normally" through a word processor (ie. LibreOffice Writer or Microsoft Word) does.
I've read through the Docx4J documentation, SO questions like this and in the Docx4J examples in GitHub repo, but I haven't found any working examples to add the described functionality.
You are adding your sectPr as a sibling to the top-level paragraphs; instead it should be within w:p/w:pPr.
To avoid mistakes like this, you should generate Java code from a working Word docx, using either the docx4j webapp, or the Helper AddIn.
As a side note, a sectPr is allowed as the last element in the body, but that one is added using setSectPr