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How to use the OrientDB ETL tool to import the entire database data?

I hope that once the import all data, Seemingly in extractor, JDBC query attributes can be only a single query.


  • The ETL tool allows you to import data from your RDBMS to OrientDB via a query that returns all of the table fields and converts them into a class. To migrate the data you have to create N json file containing the instructions to import individual tables with their relationships. A simple example of these two json, show how to import two tables, Table-A and Table-B with the relation B <- A.

    Create class from TABLE-A

      "config": {
        "log": "debug"
      "extractor" : {
        "jdbc": { "driver": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
                  "url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqldb",
                  "userName": "root",
                  "userPassword": "",
                  "query": "select * from TableA" }
      "transformers" : [
       { "vertex": { "class": "TableA"} }
      "loader" : {
        "orientdb": {
          "dbURL": "plocal:/temp/databases/orientdb",
          "dbAutoCreate": true

    Create class from TABLE-B and link table-b with table-a

      "config": {
        "log": "debug"
      "extractor" : {
        "jdbc": { "driver": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
                  "url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqldb",
                  "userName": "root",
                  "userPassword": "",
                  "query": "select * from TableB" }
     "transformers" : [
       { "vertex": { "class": "TableB"} },
               { "edge": { "class": "associate", "direction" : "in",
                            "joinFieldName": "idTableB",
      "loader" : {
        "orientdb": {
          "dbURL": "plocal:/temp/databases/orientdb",
          "dbAutoCreate": true

    I hope will be of help.