What is the correct way of getting results from solrj using Solr Suggester?
This is my request:
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
query.setParam("suggest", "true");
query.setParam("suggest.build", "true");
query.setParam("suggest.dictionary", "mySuggester");
query.setParam("suggest.q", "So");
QueryResponse response = server.query(query);
However I found it extremely difficult to get the response. The way I got the response is with this:
NamedList obj = (NamedList)((Map)response.getResponse().get("suggest")).get("mySuggester");
SimpleOrderedMap obj2 = (SimpleOrderedMap) obj.get("So");
List<SimpleOrderedMap> obj3 = (List<SimpleOrderedMap>) obj2.get("suggestions");
This seems to assume a lot about the objects I am getting from the response and will be difficult to anticipate errors.
Is there a better and cleaner way than this?
In new versions have a SuggesterResponse: