I am getting an error when deploying my application as follows..
Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.AmbiguousResolutionException: WELD-001318 Cannot resolve an ambiguous dependency between [
Producer Method [String] with qualifiers [@Any @Config] declared as [[method] @Produces @Config public ca.comdev.cdip.mis.enterpriseportal.configuration.ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationValue(InjectionPoint)],
Producer Method [String] with qualifiers [@Any @Config] declared as [[method] @Produces @Config public ca.comdev.cdip.mis.enterpriseportal.configuration.ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationValue(InjectionPoint)]]
And I only have on such method whose header looks like this
@Produces @Config public String getConfigurationValue(InjectionPoint p) throws ConfigurationException{...}
and class has these
public class ConfigurationProvider {...}
Please help. This error is probably more ambiguous than my code.
This error occurred to me by accidentally using the same EJB name "ExternalClient" in 2 different modules.
<ejb-name>ExternalClient</ejb-name> <!-- DUPLICATED -->
This could be detected when using JBoss by checking the JNDI bindings during deployment. The EJB was instantiated more than once.