I'm building a cli Node app for a class. When I run it, I get stuck in an infinite loop which causes a stack overflow. I'm sure it's because prompt doesn't wait until the user enters input before the while iterates through, so what's the best way to handle this?
var prompt = require('prompt');
// initialize fields
var user = {
health: 100,
damage: Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 2 + 1)) + 2
zombie = {
health: 20,
damage: Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 2 + 1)) + 2
while (user.health > 0 || zombie.health > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('User:\t' + user.health + '\nZombie:\t' + zombie.health);
var randNum = Math.random * 10;
prompt.get(['guess'], function(err, result) {
if (result.guess === randNum) {
zombie.health -= user.damage;
console.log('You strike the Zombie!\nZombie takes ' + user.damage + ' points of damage.\nZombie has ' + zombie.health + 'health left.\n');
else {
user.health -= zombie.damage;
console.log('Zombie slashes at you!\nYou take ' + zombie.damage + ' points of damage.\nYou have ' + user.health + ' health left.\n');
console.log('Tomorrow is another day...\n');
}, 1000);
Have the function call itself after you receive the prompt. Example:
// ...
function runGame() {
if (user.health > 0 || zombie.health > 0) {
console.log('User:\t' + user.health + '\nZombie:\t' + zombie.health);
var randNum = Math.random * 10;
prompt.get(['guess'], function(err, result) {
if (result.guess === randNum) {
zombie.health -= user.damage;
console.log('You strike the Zombie!\nZombie takes ' + user.damage + ' points of damage.\nZombie has ' + zombie.health + 'health left.\n');
} else {
user.health -= zombie.damage;
console.log('Zombie slashes at you!\nYou take ' + zombie.damage + ' points of damage.\nYou have ' + user.health + ' health left.\n');
console.log('Tomorrow is another day...\n');
runGame(); // Wait for more input after getting and parsing current input.