I am having one heck of a time with my implementation.
We have a solr server running. We have 3 cores, and for simplicty let's call them "Members", "Businesses", and "Products"
I was attempting to use solrnet, but it does not support sharding. So, I am dreading that I will have to build the url myself.
So, I used the admin tool to build a few sample url's for queries when I noticed a problem. Solr does an "equals" not a "contains" and it is case sensitive. I know I'm probably going about this all wrong.
So, I've read I need to set the qt param to "dismax", only when I search the member's core only, through the admin tool, I get "undefined field price"....my member doesn't have a price field. My product does though.
I need to do the following with my query.
I probably have my query all wrong, but here's what it looks like (servername changed to protect the innocent) Name field is actually a concatonation of the user's first and last name....so I was trying to see if dismax would see if the name contains the word jim (case insensitive).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.