I'm using:
The Error is:
TypeError: $$animateJs is not a function
at d (angular-animate.js:2141)
at angular-animate.js:2131
at h (angular-animate.js:3174)
at Array.d.push.fn (angular-animate.js:3020)
at c (angular-animate.js:423)
at b (angular-animate.js:393)
at angular-animate.js:3042
at m.$digest (angular.js:16714)
at m.$apply (angular.js:16928)
at g (angular.js:11266)
This error occurs when I refresh the page which contains UI Grid
UI Grid module is loaded by ocLazyLoad.
If I place UI Grid script in <'body'> all work fine. Just when I use ocLazyLoad.
Other pages work fine. When I change state also works fine. Only when refreshing.
Not matter if it is F5 or Ctrl + F5
The most strange thing I've seen is that my root template is duplicated
I've uploaded project sample to GITHUB
So the initial state is $state without GRID
If you switch between the states everything works fine.
If you reload a page on grid state or change initial state to state with grid entire template is duplicated.
The reason of this is angular-animate. If it is turned off everything is OK.
It would be nice to see the network tab of your chrome dev-tools. I suspect the order in which things are loaded to be 'wrong'.
Looking through some code of ui.grid, I actually found a part that checks for ngAnimate in a (possibly too) dynamic way (in this case):
// Disable ngAnimate animations on an element
disableAnimations: function (element) {
var $animate;
try {
$animate = $injector.get('$animate');
// See: http://brianhann.com/angular-1-4-breaking-changes-to-be-aware-of/#animate
if (angular.version.major > 1 || (angular.version.major === 1 && angular.version.minor >= 4)) {
$animate.enabled(element, false);
} else {
$animate.enabled(false, element);
catch (e) {}
enableAnimations: function (element) {
var $animate;
try {
$animate = $injector.get('$animate');
// See: http://brianhann.com/angular-1-4-breaking-changes-to-be-aware-of/#animate
if (angular.version.major > 1 || (angular.version.major === 1 && angular.version.minor >= 4)) {
$animate.enabled(element, true);
} else {
$animate.enabled(true, element);
return $animate;
catch (e) {}
Now, I am not sure why ui.grid actually fiddles around with animations, but I could imagine some problems concerning the order in which things are loaded.
edit: It's a load-order bug. When loading ngAnimate with ocLazyLoad and ensuring it's loaded before ui.grid, it works.
Presuming you've added ngAnimate as a module to LazyLoad, your state's resolve has to be changed to:
resolve: load(['ngAnimate', 'ui.grid', 'grid/GridController.js'])
Of course this isn't ideal, as loading time is increased upon entering the grid-state, but I'm too tired to look further into it right now. At least now you know that it definitely has to do with the loading order.
edit2: Another solution (in case you always include ngAnimate):
In your router.config, try the following for the load function
function load(srcs, callback) {
return {
deps: ['$$animateJS', '$ocLazyLoad', '$q',
function ($$animateJS, $ocLazyLoad, $q) {