I am trying to get parameters from an URL in my JSF application. The URL as following: http://localhost:8088/*******/pages/rh/evaluation/layouts/evaluationLayout.jsf?crt_affectId=RqI+dgtx6q8=
So here the parameter is crt_affectId
and its value is RqI+dgtx6q8=
When I try to get the value by using the following code:
String cryptedValue = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext()
I get the wanted value but missing the character +
as it is replaced by a blank space as . the result value is as following:
RqI dgtx6q8=
Is there a solution in JSF to get the complete value or a should I just replace the blank space by the "+"? However this latter is not that generic and good way neither.
The +
is URL-encoded representation of the space. So the behavior is correct. Those parameters should have been URL-encoded beforehand.
If you have full control over those parameters, then you can URL-encode the individual parameter values as below before passing it to e.g. ExternalContext#redirect()
String url = "/evaluationLayout.jsf?crt_affectId=" + URLEncoder.encode("RqI+dgtx6q8=", "UTF-8");
ec.redirect(ec.getRequestContextPath() + url);
In case you happen to use JSF utility library OmniFaces, it can be done more conveniently as its Faces#redirect()
utility already transparently takes care of this.
Faces.redirect("/evaluationLayout.jsf?crt_affectId=%s", "RqI+dgtx6q8=");