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Using style modifiers & pattern parameters inside of a rendered pseudo pattern

I am using the Node version of pattern lab and have a pattern mustache file that contains the following code:

<a href="#" class="{{ styleModifier }}">{{ linkCopy }}</a>

I call this pattern partial in a mustache file like the code below:

{{> name-of-pattern-partial:css-class(linkCopy: 'Link Text') }}

The pattern partial renders the following code in the .mustache pattern:

<a href="#" class="css-class">Link Text</a>

In the pseudo pattern however the code is being rendered as follows:

<a href="#" class=""></a>

Is there a limitation in Pattern Lab, Mustache or Pattern Lab Node that does not allow the use of pattern parameters and style modifiers in rendered pseudo patterns?


  • I believe this was identified as a bug in the node project, here: