I am using Mustache's Lambda's to implement translations in my templates.
My templates use these kind of tags:
<h1>{{#t}}Some translatable text{{/t}}</h1>
then, in my data I register a lambda to fetch the translation:
$info['t'] = function($text, $render) {
return translate($text);
However, I would like to be able to set the locale in that lambda, but I don't seem to get it right:
$locale = "nl_NL";
$info['t'] = function($text, $render, $locale) {
return translate($text, $locale);
doesn't work (obviously) because Mustache calls this lambda with two parameters. Trying with a default parameter doesn't work either:
$lc = "nl_NL";
$info['t'] = function($text, $render, $locale = $lc) {
return translate($text, $locale);
Because you cannot use a variable as default.
How can I get this working?
Use the use
keyword to bind variables into the function's scope.
Closures may inherit variables from the parent scope. Any such variables must be declared in the function header [using use].
$locale = "nl_NL";
$info['t'] = function($text, $render) use ($locale) {
return translate($text, $locale);